Donnerstag, September 07, 2006

Introduction and my first session

Hello everybody
Im playing since a few months poker at Already lost some money ;) no, for sure not. My Bankroll now is at around 200$, thats all i won till now. But i hope, this value will be bigger in future.
Im playing at the limit 0.5/1$, FR (fullring). Im using the Pokeroffice Software to track my gameplay.

Today i played just 1h and 25min, but made a win of 21.75 BB :)

If you also wanna play some poker and get 50$ for free + 100$ (if you played around 10k hands). Go to this page here,, and sign up there. Please at "advertised by" fill in Davyder, if it isnt already filled in.
If you want to ask me something, dont hesitate to write me at msn-messenger

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