Mittwoch, November 29, 2006

PokerStars Bonus cleared

Played today nearly 1k hands at PokerStars 9 tabling, but lost over 10$. With the bonus of 25$ still a plus, but im not statisfied. I have to play better. Perhaps the 9tables werent good? I also once folded QQ :(

Limit: NL$25
Hands: 1.2k
BB/100: 0.57

Dienstag, November 28, 2006

Got milk?

mhh.. 332 new hands and 12.3$, 24.6BB down. Think i played few hands to much, but also got some badbeats :(
A nice hand was this one:
And then this:
Would have been a really nice hand, if that guy didnt get a runner runner straight with his AA ;)
Limit: NL$25
Hands: 2.4k
BB/100: 2.76

Montag, November 27, 2006

Hello PokerStars

I cashed my few $ out from Partypoker (becaue there are so many users, that its nearly impossible to play a NL$25 table with less than 3 shortstackes). Then i wanted to play some hands at FTP, but there were only about 6 tables, so i decided to throw an eye at my old PokerStars account. I have still a 25$ Bonus there running. I depoisted 66$ in and started playing. 1h and 334hands later with 6 tabling, i ended up with 12.8$, 25.6BB more than i started. I also got 41 FPP, 84 to go for the Bonus.
Limit: NL$25
Hands: 334
BB/100: 7.66

Oh, and i couldnt resist to play a 10$ +0.5$ fee Tournament at FTP.. I HATE TOURNAMENTS :(

Sonntag, November 26, 2006

Build up your BR in 30min

Started playing, everything went well. Had also some good bluffs :) heres one :D
After 30min I already left some tables, because my Stack got to big. After leaving a table, you have to wait for 30min to reseat at the same table with lower stack, so, i closed all tables then, because i dont wanted to play with only a few.
Played 105 hands, 28.2BB up, thats 26.8BB/100 Hands :D
Limit: NL$25
Hands: 2.1k
BB/100: 4.35

Donnerstag, November 23, 2006


Today i played a NL25 session at FTP, around 1h. Worked verry well. Also played a tournament with 1$ entryfee.. I ll stay away from tournaments in future ;) I won with NL25 37.3BB and I am happy with it. My next Bonuspart will also be released soon, and then I get another 15 Bucks right into my pockets :) Thats a good feeling.
AND the best news: FTP is now available with my pokeroffice. I loaded all my handhistories in it, WOW. Played 2k hands at FullTiltPoker NL25 with a win of 3.18 BB/100 Hands. And i thought it was way worse.
My stats:
Hands 2k
wonhands% 6.35
$Won 32.35
BB/100Hands 3.18
WonSawFlop% 56.58
PreFlopRaise% 4.58
Showdowns% 3.35
Showdownswon% 54.41
Any comments about this?

back to PP

Hi there
Today i played around 380 hands in 1 hour SSS at partypoker. Seems like I have to come back to PP, because its the best software ive seen so far, and also my PokerOffice works with PP (PO doesnt support fulltiltpoker). Made a profit today of 6BB, 3$. Got some badbeats. One was really hard, when i was badbeated from a better fullhouse.
My Bankroll is now at 187$. Still have the most BR at FTP and some dollars at PartyPoker.