Donnerstag, November 23, 2006


Today i played a NL25 session at FTP, around 1h. Worked verry well. Also played a tournament with 1$ entryfee.. I ll stay away from tournaments in future ;) I won with NL25 37.3BB and I am happy with it. My next Bonuspart will also be released soon, and then I get another 15 Bucks right into my pockets :) Thats a good feeling.
AND the best news: FTP is now available with my pokeroffice. I loaded all my handhistories in it, WOW. Played 2k hands at FullTiltPoker NL25 with a win of 3.18 BB/100 Hands. And i thought it was way worse.
My stats:
Hands 2k
wonhands% 6.35
$Won 32.35
BB/100Hands 3.18
WonSawFlop% 56.58
PreFlopRaise% 4.58
Showdowns% 3.35
Showdownswon% 54.41
Any comments about this?

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