2 5$ SnG
Played now 2 SnG, 5$ +0.5$fee.
One at FTP, and i got no hands there and was busted at place 8 of 9.
The one at PokerStars was way more fun. Was nearly down to few chips, as i got a good hand and some callers, so i become the new chipleader in a milisecond :) Then a really thight play, with some blindstealing. Waiting for the others to push the others out of the game.... Then i was in the money with the smallest stack.. Pushed my good hands and got no callers.. the other 2 played some hand against each other, so, one finished the SnG at the third place.
Then we were only 2, a Dude (that DUDE was part of his name) and me. He has double the stack as mine. He played really bad. He foldet a lot and i pushed and raised nearly all my hands. So i finally got more chips than him :) Then "the big hand" which both were all in, which i lost. he had 11k chips.. i had 1.5k left.. pushed, raised, till i got up to 5k chips again. Got KJ raised all in, he called with JJ so i lost and finished the SnG at second place with 13.5$.
So, its a small plus of 2.5$
Now i have to sleep for few hours.. cya later
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