bad day :(
854 hands, around 1.5h, 6 up to 10 tabling ;) absolutly no hands at the beginning, some bad hands at the end -> -23.45$, -46.9BB
854 hands, around 1.5h, 6 up to 10 tabling ;) absolutly no hands at the beginning, some bad hands at the end -> -23.45$, -46.9BB
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Name: Davyder
-2.26$, -4.52BB, 481 hands, 1h, 9tabling.
im tired now and go to sleep :)
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Name: Davyder
So, played now 457hands. I just joined tables, at which the most peoples had big stacks.. Worked fine. But made some faults which cost me about 15$ :( Just played 6 tables, which i will hold on for the next sessions. I can concentrate better with only six. Also read the advanced SSS article from pokerstrategy, not much new stuff, but i will use it in future playings.
+7.54$, +15.08BB in 457hands, 1.2h playing
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Name: Davyder
Hi everybody.
The last days werent as good as the ones before :( lost around 50$ with NL$25. Also lost 12$ with sng :D lol..
Today i played also few hands, around 640 and lost 22$ :( well. I really hope, that it will go up again. Lets try tomorrow.
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Name: Davyder
Wasnt at home the whole weekend and couldnt play. Got home at sunday evening and played 1.5 hours (725hands). The session didnt work as the ones before. At the beginning i made some losses, also had to rebuy few tables. Started with 6 tabling, after about 20minutes i opened 3 more tables and played 9 tabling :) first time I did this. And its acutally not as hard as i though. But most time you have to click something on. So, at the ending i just won 2 nice pots, and made a little profit of 5.97$, + 11.94 BB.
Till now i playes 1.3k hands in 3 sessions NL$25. Made 49,42$ win, which are 7.6BB/100Hands. To be continued...
AND I also have some good news from RealLife. I can study medicin at the university Zürich next autum. So i dont have to move my house and leave all my friends and my girlie. Finally some good news too!
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Name: Davyder
I couldnt resist to play once more a little session. NL25, 1h, started with 4 tables, gone up to 6 tables. Perhaps next time i play up to 9 tables, if its boring. The session started well, had also some german players from pokerstrategy at my table, but they had high stack, and not shortstack as i do. Had done 2 rebuys and left some tables, because i had a too big stack for the SSS :) Ended up with +28.95$, which also are 57.9BB. I hope, all the following sessions will go the same way, up and even more up!
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Name: Davyder
Well, im very Happy.
Due the new page from Pokerstrategy i looked into some articles about NL (nolimit). Then i found the ShortStackStrategy (SSS)article. Read a little that forum and watched TV besides and played some playmoney tables NL25. Due a fault i had also a realmoney table open, so i lost around 15$ ;) played the game to loosy.
So. Then i decided to print out the whole SSS Stuff, read it, made myself some notes on the pdf file. Ready to play poker? YES, I am. I also watched into another Blog that guy have two videos on his site from SSS NL. Have downloaded it and will watch it later.
So, now im done with my first session of NL25. And I LOVE IT!
Played for 1h, won 14.5$, which are 29BB. Thats the way to go.
I also cleared the Augustbonus, which gave me another 25 Bucks. I think i will stay with this NL25 and SSS for the next few times. I can change to the next limit with 375$, we will see what happends :)
Bankroll now is 222.03$
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Name: Davyder
Hello everybody
Im playing since a few months poker at Already lost some money ;) no, for sure not. My Bankroll now is at around 200$, thats all i won till now. But i hope, this value will be bigger in future.
Im playing at the limit 0.5/1$, FR (fullring). Im using the Pokeroffice Software to track my gameplay.
Today i played just 1h and 25min, but made a win of 21.75 BB :)
If you also wanna play some poker and get 50$ for free + 100$ (if you played around 10k hands). Go to this page here,, and sign up there. Please at "advertised by" fill in Davyder, if it isnt already filled in.
If you want to ask me something, dont hesitate to write me at msn-messenger
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Name: Davyder